Winning at All Costs: The Cultural Trap of “Gaming the System” in Sports

Some say coaches are just using loopholes in the rules to their advantage. It’s strategic. It’s smart. It’s how you win, right? Others point out that even NBA teams choose their opponents during the playoffs, so what’s the big deal? It sounds logical—until you pull back and look at the bigger picture. The Loophole Dilemma: […]

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7 thoughts on “Winning at All Costs: The Cultural Trap of “Gaming the System” in Sports”

  1. Jeffrey Ooi

    我赞成凡事都有两面,站在强队说这是策略,站在其他球队,你叫他们怎样应对?只能选择接受和面对! 以个人观点,我觉得长期这样的情况,对马来西亚不是好事,习惯性的kampung冠军,到了国际赛,未打,心态上就先输了

    1. 可怕的是,這種文化甚至已經在基層籃球生根,試想像連小學生的比賽都會出現這種情況,我們是在灌輸小孩子什麼觀念?

      1. 其实矛头都转向ns了 可是他们真的有在很消极吗 我们以比分从71-64 的时候看回 真的是ns的问题吗 为什么矛头都指向那些球员和教练 他们都很用力打到71-70 ,奈何看到对方在演 就算今天不是策略性的把比赛输掉 ns也没有义务陪他们一起演啊 就只是最后那8颗罚球 所以问题都好像是ns那里了.希望jordan你能把比赛复习一遍 把真正的问题披露 如果真的从开始就要演的话 不会把比分从64拉近到70过后 再表演罚丢8颗罚球 .

        当然你的文章在于体育精神来说 是百分之百的正确 可是有时在于经营一个球队 ‘战绩’ 也是一个球团给教练的功课 对吧 所以ns的教练真的错了吗在于球队利益的方面 他的工作也就要替ns 拿到最佳的成绩

        没有恶意的发言 只是想披露一些我看篮球的想法 不合宜的话可以告诉我

        1. 其實比賽已經過去了,再糾結在那一分多鐘的戰情已經沒有意義。我是對我們的籃球生態和文化感到擔憂和悲哀才有感而發。我是把角度zoom out,從一個宏觀的角度去看待問題,我們應該問自己,發展聯盟的意義是什麼?基層籃球的意義是什麼?當你發現這種文化已經從基層開始就根深蒂固,你會感到很心寒,在小學比賽階段就在灌輸「戰略」性選對手或者把對手做出局是OK的,這是我們想要看到的東西嗎?現在的教練會利用這些「戰略」,都是從他的教練或前輩身上學回來的。有人拿NBA或國際比賽爭金奪銀的情況來做比較,但是正如我在文章裡面講的,context不一樣,在基層和發展聯盟我們不應該教導年輕人這種行為。你也談到「戰績」這個現實的問題,沒錯,戰績確實很重要,但是同樣的,基層和發展聯盟不應該那麼功利主義,不應該以「贏」為導向。But anyway,在現今一個功利主義的世界,要保持初心不功利,是一件很難的事。

  2. While it’s true that some may view the exploitation of loopholes as a clever strategy to gain a competitive edge, this approach can undermine the core values of sport. Sports are not just about winning at all costs; they are about fairness, respect, and upholding the spirit of the game. While NBA teams may make strategic decisions based on matchups, they do so within a clear framework of rules and guidelines designed to promote balanced competition.

    Using loopholes might seem smart in the short term, but when teams or individuals bend the rules, it erodes the integrity of the game. It creates an uneven playing field where the focus shifts from skill and sportsmanship to rule manipulation. Over time, this can lead to a loss of trust among fans, players, and stakeholders, diminishing the value and enjoyment of the sport.

    In the end, sport is not just about winning—it’s about how you win. Ensuring that victories are earned through fair play and respect for the rules helps maintain the integrity of competition, which is vital for the long-term health and reputation of any sport.

  3. 修改或细化规则


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